Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: How It Can Mess Up Your Work Life

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a painful condition that affects the wrist and hand. A narrow passageway in the wrist, the carpal tunnel, compresses the median nerve. CTS can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected hand. Dexterity and grip strength can be lost in severe cases. 

If you suffer from CTS, you know how much it can affect your work life. Even the simplest tasks can become difficult, and you may have to take time off work to recover. 

What’s Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as carpal tunnel, is a condition that causes pins and needles or numbness in the hand and wrist. It’s a disorder of the median nerve. The most common symptom is tingling in the thumb or index finger. This can result from repetitive use of the hand, such as typing, using a mouse, playing the violin, etc.

Identify the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can vary from person to person. The most common symptom is a tingling sensation or numbness in the thumb or index finger. Other symptoms include:

  • Weakness in the hand
  • Pain in the wrist or forearm
  • Burning or stinging sensations
  • Difficulty gripping objects
  • Difficulty making a fist
  • Increased sensitivity to touch

By being aware of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, you can better manage it.

Understand What Causes Carpal Tunnel

Many factors can contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive use of the hand is the most common cause. Other factors include obesity, pregnancy, thyroid problems, arthritis, and diabetes.

How Can Carpal Tunnel Affect You At Work?

Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect your ability to perform your job. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, making it difficult to perform your job. You may be more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome if you type or use a mouse repetitively at work.

The 3 Best Ways to Deal with Carpal Tunnel at Work

You can ease carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms and prevent it from worsening if you follow a few simple steps.

  • Take breaks often to give your hands a rest.
  • Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse to reduce the strain on your hands.
  • Wear a splint to immobilize your wrist and give it time to heal.

If carpal tunnel syndrome pain is interfering with your personal and professional life, contact Pinehurst Surgical today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moore. Please contact us at (910) 295-0224 to schedule an appointment.

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