Affiliated Hospitals and Clinics

Sanford Office

FirstHealth – Pinehurst Surgical Clinic Thirty minutes North of Pinehurst is our Sanford Satellite office.
2919 Beechtree Drive, Suite 3100
Sanford, NC 27330
Please contact 910.295.0224 to schedule an appointment today!

Pinehurst Surgical

Dr. Moore’s main office is Pinehurst Surgical in Pinehurst, NC, the heart of golf country. Most often our inpatient surgeries are preformed at First Health Moore Regional Hospital.

Surgery Center of Pinehurst

Dr. Moore preforms out patient surgeries such as Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasies at the Surgery Center of Pinehust next door to our home clinic.

First Health Moore Regional Hospital

Dr. Moore’s main hospital location for surgery is First health Moore Regional, located parallel to our home office, Pinehurst Surgical. First Health has been named of the Nation’s top 100 hospitals by Truven Health Analytics

First Health Specialty Clinic

Thirty minutes south of Pinehurst is First Health Specialty Clinic which is next door to First Health Richmond Hospital. This is our satellite office and is located in Rockingham, NC.

First Health Richmond Hospital

First health Richmond Hospital is our satellite hospital where Total Hip and Knee Replacements are also performed.

Contact Us

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours


Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm


Tuesday: 8am-5pm


Monday – Friday 11AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-11AM
Sunday 1PM-3PM


Monday – Friday 11AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-11AM
Sunday 1PM-3PM

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