Preparing for Orthopaedic Surgery

Once you decided it is the right time for you to schedule surgery, our surgery coordinator, Julie Criscoe, will call you to start the surgical process. She will help you choose a surgical date as well as arrange for your mandatory pre-operative appointment with Michelle Moore PAC. Our caring staff including Julie, Heather, and Vickie can answer many of your questions regarding your surgical process so please do not hesitate to ask for their help.

We ask you to take an active part in preparing for Surgery.

Each patient will pick a surgical date as well as a date for their pre-operative evaluation and testing While preparing for these dates, we ask that you take an active part in preparing for your surgery.

It is patient’s responsibility to discuss with your primary physician, dentist and cardiologist* the timing of your upcoming surgery. We require that all patients provide written acknowledgment that you are medically optimized for your planned surgery. We provide letters in your surgical folder that may be used by your doctor or they may choose to use their own method.

All patients are required to have:

  • Forms from physicians;
    Primary care physician
    Dentist (unless you have dentures)
    Cardiologist (*if you have a previous history of cardiac disease)
  • Knee Dental
  • Knee Medical provider
  • Hip Dental
  • Hip Medical Provider
  • Attend mandatory pre-oporative appointment with Michelle Moore in Dr. Moore’s office. This date will be given to you at the same time you schedule surgery. The appointment will take approximately 2 hours this includes labs, EKG, x-rays as well as a through pre operative evaluation. Michelle ask that you bring with you ALL of your medications in the bottles. Please remember to bring your vitamins and any over the counter medications you may take. If you are unable to keep this appointment, your surgery date will be changed in order to allow sufficient time to complete the preoperative process.
  • We invite our surgical patients to participate in our newly created Get Well Loop electronic service that enables our team to stay connected with you using your smart phone or computer. Get Well Loop provides daily guidance, task, and reminders for patients and families to stay on track as you prepare for surgery as well as staying touch with your surgical team after surgery. Patients may communicate with their physician and staff for any of their needs or concerns at any time of the day.
  • Some insurances require you to attend a joint replacement class provided by the hospital or you may choose to view on line. At your pre op appointment please let Michelle know which you prefer and she will arrange for either a class time or the website to view. Learn more about our Joint Replacement class
  • Prior to surgery our office will provide to you two packs of hibiclens wipes. These are to be used the night before surgery as well as the morning of surgery. Please let us know if you do not receive these and we will be happy to provide you with these. How To Use The Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Disposable Cloths
  • As you prepare for surgery we ask that you have a walker and a bed side commode. Please let Michelle know if you will need either of these. Medequip will normally deliver any needed equipment to your home where they will make certain that the equipment is appropriate for you and your home. Medequip will also provide a continuous passive motion machine (CPM) to any total knee replacement surgical patient. If you prefer to use a local provider please let Michelle know at your pre op along with their contact information, we will be happy to arrange. This will again be set up for you in your home and directions on the use of the machine will be given. Visit Medequip for contact information
  • Handi-cap applications will be given to surgical patients at their pre op appointment. You will need to complete and take to your local license plate agency for your tag. Dr. Moore will provide a handi-cap application for 3-6 months after surgery.
  • Transportation is the patients responsibility to and from the hospital. Please arrange for reliable transportation so you can arrive on time for surgery.
  • If you are traveling from outside of our area we have several lodging sites available for any patients or family members.

Many local hotels may provide a discount so just let them know you are in town for surgery when arranging your stay.

Our office will arrange for the following:

  • Our office will arrange for all needed authorizations for your surgery with your insurances. Most insurances will NOT approve hospital stay prior to your surgery therefore you will be admitted to the hospital on the same day as your surgery.
  • Arrival times will be given to each patient on the business day prior to your surgery. Julie Criscoe will call you after noon to confirm your arrival time. Please be sure to give Michelle your best phone number so we may contact you as needed.

What is Getwell Loop and How Can It Benefit Me as I Prepare for Surgery?

We understand that having orthopedic surgery can be an intimidating experience. You want to receive the utmost care and come out on the other side of surgery feeling better, possibly even pain-free for the first time in years! Part of the stress that may occur in the planning phase of surgery is simply not knowing what to expect. Plenty of surgical offices around the country state that they are there to assist their patients through the entire experience. We've taken it to the level of making clinical support extraordinarily accessible. GetWell Loop is how we do it.

GetWell Loop is an innovative platform that brings the high-tech model together with our high-touch way of providing care. It's a free service that keeps us in touch throughout the entirety of your treatment program, so, in between visits you still feel supported and informed. It's easy to get started using the program. A member of our team will simply send you an invitation via email or text! This correspondence will have easy-to-follow instructions that walk you through setting up your free account.

Your GetWell Loop account will automatically be linked to our office and we'll receive a notification that you're ready to send and receive messages! When we send a message through the platform, you'll receive a notice via your selected preference, email or text. All messages are completely secure.

Using GetWell Loop in preparation for your orthopedic surgery, you can:

  • Avoid phone calls to the office and potentially lengthy messages or hold times.
  • Stay connected with your doctor and team without additional office visits.
  • Ask questions that arise as you prepare for your surgical procedure.
  • Receive important instructions from our office in a timely manner.
  • Receiving demonstrations or instructions for necessary pre- and post-surgical care as needed.

How Do I Know It's Time for Joint Replacement Surgery?

A lack of proper care for a joint injury or degenerative joint condition can result in increasingly severe pain and physical restrictions. Joint replacement surgery is an excellent path back to the kind of life you want to live. Dr. Moore has an outstanding reputation as a caring orthopedic surgeon with a strong track record for successful surgical outcomes. That said, you are largely in the driver's seat when determining the best timing for joint replacement.

Signs that you may benefit from surgical intervention include:

  • Persistent pain regardless of medication use
  • Joint pain at rest
  • Limited physical mobility
  • Negative impact on your ability to work
  • Little improvement with physical therapy
  • Worsening joint degeneration as indicated by imaging

One of the remarks made by many patients after they've had joint replacement surgery is "I wish I'd done this sooner." Our team is here to walk you through your decision-making and surgical planning process. We'll provide you with concise information and follow-up with you regarding your questions.

Patient Information

Contact Us

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

Office Hours


Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm


Tuesday: 8am-5pm


Monday – Friday 11AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-11AM
Sunday 1PM-3PM


Monday – Friday 11AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-11AM
Sunday 1PM-3PM

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