FAQS About Orthpaedic Surgery

When is the Right Time to Have Surgery?

Some things to look out for when deciding if surgery may be the best option for you is determining if you are in pain, or if you are experiencing a noticeable decrease in your stability or mobility. Orthopaedic surgery is meant to increase your quality of life and alleviate any discomfort you may be experiencing.

What Should I Expect Right After Surgery?

With any orthopaedic surgery, you will experience some pain and swelling around the treated area. Your surgeon and team of doctors will help get you prescribed medication to alleviate the pain and make sure that you are healing properly.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Orthopaedic Surgery?

Recovery time depends on the procedure that is performed. For some patients, a full recovery can be made within a few weeks. However, for others, it can take a few months to fully recover from their procedure.

How Long Do Artificial Joints Last?

Medical technology continue to advance, allowing artificial joints to become more and more complex and reliable. Today, artificial joints can last up to 20 years. This number depends greatly on numerous factors like activity level, overal health, and weight.

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