4 Exercises To Help You Regain Strength After Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a life-changing event. Not only does it relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis, but it can also help you regain the mobility you need to enjoy your life. However, surgery is just the first step on the road to recovery. To fully recover and enjoy the benefits of your new joint, it is essential to exercise regularly after surgery.

What’s Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a type of surgery that is used to replace a damaged joint with a new, artificial joint. This surgery is generally used as a last resort when other treatments, such as physical therapy and medication, have failed to relieve pain and restore function. Joint replacement surgery is a major surgery that requires a significant amount of time to recover from.

You can enjoy several benefits after joint replacement surgery, including:

  • Relief from pain
  • Increased flexibility and mobility in the affected joint
  • Improved range of motion in the affected joint

The Importance of Exercise After Joint Replacement Surgery

Exercise is vital for many reasons. Exercising increases the range of motion in your new joint, strengthens the muscles around the joint and improves your overall fitness. Additionally, exercise can help to reduce the risk of complications after surgery, such as blood clots and infection.

So how much exercise should you be doing after joint replacement surgery? The answer may vary depending on your situation, but in general, it is recommended that you exercise after joint replacement surgery.

The Types of Exercises That Are Most Beneficial After Joint Replacement Surgery

There are a variety of exercises that can be beneficial after joint replacement surgery. The best exercises for you will depend on your situation. Here are some of the best exercises after joint replacement surgery and why.

1. Low-impact aerobic exercises help increase blood flow to the joints and promote joint healing.

2. Strength training exercises help improve muscle strength and support around the joints, which can help prevent future joint pain and injury.

3. Balance and coordination exercises help reduce the risk of falls and injuries, which are common after joint replacement surgery.

4. Flexibility and stretching exercises can help improve the range of motion around the joints and reduce stiffness and scar tissue formation.

Schedule a Consultation

Is joint replacement surgery on your mind? It would be our pleasure to assist you. Dr. John Moore and Pinehurst Surgical offer the best surgical care in Pinehurst, NC. You can reach us at 910-295-0224.

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