Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Top Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Having to undergo a joint replacement surgery does not have to cause a major disruption in your life. Thanks to the benefits of outpatient joint replacement surgery, patients now have the freedom and flexibility to recover from their surgery comfortably at home. If you are in need of joint replacement surgery, consider the benefits of utilizing an outpatient facility.

What Is Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Technological advancements have made the total replacement of some joints, such as the knee or hip, a minimally invasive procedure. Outpatient joint replacement surgery uses state-of-the-art equipment and an outpatient surgical center to complete the procedure.

What Is an Outpatient Surgical Center?

An outpatient surgical center is similar to a hospital setting but more comfortable. Our outpatient facility provides a concierge experience with two qualified, dedicated nurses for each patient. After surgery, you spend just one night at the center. You are then discharged, and therapists will go directly to your home for sessions.

What Are the Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Eliminating the need for extended hospital stays means lower medical costs. Other unique benefits include:

  • Lower risk of surgical complications such as post-operative infection
  • Faster recovery times
  • Less stress
  • A more relaxed recovery

Few people feel comfortable lying in a hospital bed. Recovering at home allows you to relax as your body heals.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Our doctor will evaluate your overall health and joint condition to determine if outpatient surgery is the right option for you. A candidate for it would typically be:

  • Healthy – Certain preexisting conditions might mean you need more medical monitoring than you can get in an outpatient surgical center. For example, someone with kidney disease might not be a practical candidate.
  • Motivated – Recovering at home takes willpower, so you must be motivated to do the exercises and follow the discharge orders.

Set up a Consultation With Dr. John R. Moore, IV

Find out your options for joint replacement surgery by making an appointment with board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. John R. Moore, IV, in Pinehurst, NC. Call 910-295-0224 to schedule an appointment.

Outpatient Joint replacement surgery

Maximize the Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Outpatient Joint replacement surgery
Joint pain can significantly affect your quality of life, making even simple daily tasks a challenge. If you’ve been living with chronic joint pain, you may have considered joint replacement surgery as a solution. In recent years, outpatient joint replacement surgery has gained popularity as a less invasive and more convenient option for patients.

Reduced Stay

One of the most significant advantages of outpatient joint replacement surgery is the shortened hospital stay. Unlike traditional inpatient procedures that require several days of hospitalization, outpatient surgery allows patients to return home on the same day. This means you can recover in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by familiar surroundings and loved ones.

Lower Risk of Infection

Staying in a hospital for an extended period increases the risk of hospital-acquired infections. Outpatient surgery reduces this risk since you spend less time in the hospital environment. This can lead to a faster and smoother recovery process, with fewer complications along the way.

Faster Recovery

Outpatient joint replacement surgery often involves minimally invasive techniques and advanced technologies, resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues. As a result, patients typically experience less pain and inflammation after the surgery, allowing for a quicker recovery. Many patients can resume light activities and return to work sooner than with traditional surgery.


Choosing outpatient joint replacement surgery can also be cost-effective. Shorter hospital stays mean reduced medical bills and lower overall healthcare costs. Additionally, you might avoid some of the expenses associated with extended hospital stays, such as parking, meals, and additional services.

Improved Patient Satisfaction

Patients who undergo outpatient joint replacement surgery often report higher levels of satisfaction with the entire experience. The convenience of same-day surgery, reduced hospitalization, and faster recovery can contribute to an overall positive perception of the procedure.

Book an Appointment

Outpatient joint replacement surgery offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve the experience and outcomes for those suffering from chronic joint pain. If you or a loved one is considering joint replacement surgery, discuss the possibility of outpatient surgery with Pinehurst Surgical. Dr. John Moore and his team proudly serve Pinehurst, NC, and surrounding areas. Call 910-295-0224 to schedule an appointment.

Latin american man during group yoga training

Finding Relief from Joint Pain

Joint pain can be generalized or localized in one or more joints. It is a common complaint, and chronic joint pain can be disabling. Fortunately, various treatments can help reduce discomfort and improve the quality of life for joint pain patients. Let’s explore some techniques for managing joint pain.

Exercise Regularly

A carefully tailored exercise routine can play an essential role in helping to reduce joint pain and improve joint mobility. Regular exercise promotes blood flow around the joints, keeping them lubricated and reducing stiffness. For best results, consult your doctor or physical therapist to find an exercise program to meet your specific needs and relieve joint pain.

Maintain a Healthy Diet 

Eating a healthy diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce joint pain. Include fatty fish, nuts, leafy greens, and berries. Avoid processed and sugary foods that can increase inflammation and worsen joint pain.

Stay Hydrated

Keeping adequately hydrated is essential for good joint health. Water maintains cartilage in joints and nourishes the tissue surrounding the joints. Drinking enough water during the day is key to keeping your joints lubricated and flexible, which can reduce pain in them as well.

Give Yourself Time to Rest

Resting your joints can be an important part of managing chronic joint pain. Taking regular breaks and getting enough sleep each day can help your body have time to recover from physical activity. If you’re experiencing joint pain throughout the day, consider using hot or cold therapy to provide relief on affected areas.

Seek Professional Help

Dr. John Moore at Pinehurst Surgical Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement Center specializes in treating chronic joint pain. Conditions such as arthritis and rheumatoid disease, known to cause this type of pain, can be managed with his expertise and the help of the center’s medical team. If your home remedies don’t provide sufficient relief, Dr. Moore may be the specialist you need to contact.

Visit Dr. John Moore for Chronic Joint Pain Relief in Pinehurst

Are you suffering from chronic joint pain? Take the first step towards relief and book a consultation with Dr. John Moore and his experienced team of orthopaedic specialists in Pinehurst. If you would like more information about our treatments, please call 910-295-0224.

Loving senior couple in sports clothing doing yoga

The Benefits of Joint Replacement Surgery: Why It Might Be Right For You

 Joint replacement surgery is a life-changing procedure that can relieve pain, improve mobility, and restore quality of life. It’s no wonder that the demand for this surgery is rising, with an estimated 1 million procedures performed annually in the United States. 

Traditionally, joint replacement surgery is associated with older patients, but younger people are increasingly opting for it. This is due to several factors, including improving quality of life after surgery and the growing number of active individuals looking to remain active later in life. 

If you’re considering joint replacement surgery, this article is for you. We’ll go over the basics of the surgery, the different types of procedures, and the benefits you can expect.

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is a type of surgery used to replace a damaged joint with a new one. It involves an operation on a joint in the body, usually a hip, knee, or shoulder. 

The damaged joint is removed and replaced with an artificial joint, called a prosthesis. As with any major surgery, joint replacement surgery carries risks and benefits that are important to consider before the procedure.

The Benefits of Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery can effectively treat joint pain brought on by arthritis or other degenerative conditions. 

The benefits of joint replacement surgery include relief from pain, increased mobility, and improved quality of life. The surgery can also help to improve mobility and function. 

In some cases, joint replacement surgery can also help to delay or prevent the need for future joint surgery.

Who is a Candidate for Joint Replacement Surgery?

Most people who are considering joint replacement surgery are adults over the age of 50. However, the surgery can occur in people of all ages, including children and adolescents. 

Joint replacement surgery is typically recommended for people with severe joint pain and does not respond to other conservative treatments. 

People with joint damage causing functional limitations may also be candidates for the surgery.

Call Us For A Consultation

If you are experiencing joint pain that is interfering with your quality of life, you may be a candidate for joint replacement surgery. 

Joint replacement surgery can provide pain relief, increased mobility, and a renewed sense of well-being. 

To learn more about this procedure and to find out if it is right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. John Moore and his staff of orthopaedic specialists. You can reach us at 910-295-0224.

brunette doing some gymnastics at the gym

4 Exercises To Help You Regain Strength After Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a life-changing event. Not only does it relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis, but it can also help you regain the mobility you need to enjoy your life. However, surgery is just the first step on the road to recovery. To fully recover and enjoy the benefits of your new joint, it is essential to exercise regularly after surgery.

What’s Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery is a type of surgery that is used to replace a damaged joint with a new, artificial joint. This surgery is generally used as a last resort when other treatments, such as physical therapy and medication, have failed to relieve pain and restore function. Joint replacement surgery is a major surgery that requires a significant amount of time to recover from.

You can enjoy several benefits after joint replacement surgery, including:

  • Relief from pain
  • Increased flexibility and mobility in the affected joint
  • Improved range of motion in the affected joint

The Importance of Exercise After Joint Replacement Surgery

Exercise is vital for many reasons. Exercising increases the range of motion in your new joint, strengthens the muscles around the joint and improves your overall fitness. Additionally, exercise can help to reduce the risk of complications after surgery, such as blood clots and infection.

So how much exercise should you be doing after joint replacement surgery? The answer may vary depending on your situation, but in general, it is recommended that you exercise after joint replacement surgery.

The Types of Exercises That Are Most Beneficial After Joint Replacement Surgery

There are a variety of exercises that can be beneficial after joint replacement surgery. The best exercises for you will depend on your situation. Here are some of the best exercises after joint replacement surgery and why.

1. Low-impact aerobic exercises help increase blood flow to the joints and promote joint healing.

2. Strength training exercises help improve muscle strength and support around the joints, which can help prevent future joint pain and injury.

3. Balance and coordination exercises help reduce the risk of falls and injuries, which are common after joint replacement surgery.

4. Flexibility and stretching exercises can help improve the range of motion around the joints and reduce stiffness and scar tissue formation.

Schedule a Consultation

Is joint replacement surgery on your mind? It would be our pleasure to assist you. Dr. John Moore and Pinehurst Surgical offer the best surgical care in Pinehurst, NC. You can reach us at 910-295-0224.

New Joint and Home the Next Day

It’s funny how quickly people take for granted amazing changes in our lives. Consider technology. You’ve probably been on an airplane and heard someone complaining about the wi-fi connection or speed.

Uh, you’re in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the sky. Your phone is accessing a satellite in nearby orbit, all so you can check your work email. It’s nothing short of mind boggling, but people are so accustomed to it they forget the wonder of it all.

Technology and surgical techniques in the orthopedic world have also come a long way, and joint replacement is evidence of that. Dr. Moore has moved the bar forward at Pinehurst Surgical by providing outpatient joint replacement.

Let’s get into this amazing option for joint replacement.

How is outpatient joint replacement a better option?

Outpatient joint replacement surgery is becoming the first choice for many qualified patients. Studies have shown outpatient surgery to have numerous benefits for patients when compared with traditional joint replacement. These include:

  • Faster recovery
  • Improved outcomes
  • Decrease in infection rates
  • Increased patient satisfaction scores
  • Lower complication rates

Where are outpatient joint replacements performed?

Outpatient is a bit of a misnomer in that the patient isn’t returning home the same day of their surgery. Dr. Moore performs our outpatient joint replacements in The Surgery Center of Pinehurst, located across the street from our practice. It provides much easier access for both patients and families than the typical hospital center.

How is The Surgery Center of Pinehurst better than a hospital setting?

The outpatient joint replacement procedure is the same as in the hospital setting. The key difference is in the concierge experience at The Surgery Center of Pinehurst. Patients of Dr. Moore will stay one night at our outpatient surgical center. While there, two highly qualified and dedicated nurses (2:1 nursing ratio) will be by your side for any needs or concerns.

If you’re interested in joint replacement, there’s no better place than Pinehurst Surgical Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement Center and Dr. Moore. Please call us at (910) 295-0224 to schedule a consultation.

Joint Replacement Becomes More Mainstream

One consequence of a population whose average lifespan has increased 10 to 15 years over the past quarter century is the question if the machinery, particularly the joints, can take the extra decade or two of work. That explains the continuing increase in joint replacement as the U.S. population ages; our joints need a little help keeping up.

At Pinehurst Surgical, Dr. Moore is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon, so you couldn’t be in any better hands for your total hip and total knee replacement surgeries. Of course, replacement surgery is always the last treatment option, but it is a treatment that is becoming more and more common.

Here’s some information on joint replacement trends.

More frequent

Joint replacement has become a common surgery and it comes with low complication rates. In most cases, pain relief and functional improvement are nothing short of night and day. More and more of these surgeries are being performed as outpatient procedures, such as Dr. Moore performs at our Surgery Center. Twenty years ago, many of today’s surgery options didn’t even exist, and if they did recovery was measured in weeks, not days.

Last year in the U.S. roughly 700,000 knee replacement procedures were performed. Add to that another 400,000 total hip replacements. That combination is projected to swell to 3.5 million annual procedures by 2030 as the population ages.

The trend is to move these surgeries and their initial recovery out of the hospital setting and to outpatient centers, such as The Surgery Center of Pinehurst. Pain management protocols must be followed, but almost all patients would rather be in their own bed rather than the hospital. Home health (following our instructions for movement and the like) and physical therapy are both crucial to facilitate successful outcomes.

Joint procedures performed

At Pinehurst Surgical, Dr. Moore specializes in total knee and total hip replacement. They are the two most popular joint replacement procedures. These are the other common joint replacements:

  • Total shoulder replacement
  • Reverse total shoulder replacement
  • Total elbow replacement

If you have continuing joint pain, call us at Pinehurst Surgical Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement Center, (910) 295-0224.

How Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Affects the Joints

Arthritis is simply the clinical term for joint inflammation. Various types of arthritis are common, and they lead to pain and stiffness in the joints. Two of the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, yet they affect the joints in different ways.

Since we’re all about your joints here at Pinehurst Surgical, let’s spend this blog noting how these forms of arthritis affect your joints.

A joint

A joint is simply the place where two bones meet. The muscles surrounding a joint move the bones. Muscles are joined to the bones with tendons. At the ends of the bones are layers of cartilage that provide cushion and shock absorption between the bones and prevents them from rubbing against each other. The joint is surrounded by a membrane, called the synovium, which produces a thick fluid that lubricates the joint. The synovium is enclosed by the capsule, which holds the joint together with fibrous bands called ligaments.

Osteoarthritis and your joints

Osteoarthritis affects the entire joint, all of the above pieces. This “wear and tear” arthritis breaks down the cartilage, making it flaky and rough. Pieces may come loose and float about in the synovial fluid. This deterioration in the cartilage leaves the bones unprotected.

As the cartilage thins, the bones around it thicken and may develop bone spurs on the ends. Microfractures may occur in the ends of the bones. The joint capsule and ligaments stretch and may thicken in an attempt to stabilize the changing joint. This can cause inflammation throughout the joint to all the soft tissues.

Osteoarthritis commonly affects these joints: knees, hips, neck, lower back, and the hands.

Rheumatoid arthritis and your joints

Whereas osteoarthritis is due to age and wear and tear, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, where your immune system attacks the tissues in the joints, causing inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis particularly affects the synovial membrane. This creates an overproduction of synovial fluid, which causes the joints to swell and the capsule to stretch. This causes pain and affects mobility in the joint.

This inflammation causes damage to the cartilage and even the bone ends. The inflammation, if left unaddressed, can result in destruction of the joint. Adjoining tendons can also become inflamed and wear down.

Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects these joints: wrists, hands, fingers, ankles, toes, shoulders, and the knees.

If you have joint pain, you may have one of these forms of arthritis. This isn’t something to “soldier” through. Call Dr. Moore and our team at Pinehurst Surgical, (910) 295-0224, to make your appointment.

Protect Your Joints through the Holidays

The holiday season is fast approaching and while it will look different this year depending on where you are and how serious the pandemic is, there are steps you can take to make sure that your holiday habits don’t impact your joint health.

Holiday Eating

We all indulge a bit over the holidays, and that’s not a problem, as long as you strive for balance. If you just have to have the gravy, be sure to add in an extra walk that week. If you choose to splurge on Grandma’s homemade pumpkin pie (and you should), try to have a smaller slice or increase your strength training. And instead of a nap after your turkey dinner, enlist your family in a game of basketball or touch football and get moving. The biggest risk to your joint health is sodium intake, because that causes you to retain water, puts extra pressure on your joints, and can increase the amount of pain you are experiencing.

Keep Moving

Our routines tend to get disrupted over the holidays, but if there is any way to maintain your exercise routine – even if you’re doing different activities – it can be good for your joints. Alternatively, if you’re supposed to be staying off your feet as part of your therapy, don’t let holidays be the excuse you use to not take care of yourself. All it may take is one more wrong twist and knee replacement surgery will be how you greet the New Year.

Keep Arthritis Pain at Bay

Being mindful about what you eat, striving for balance, and getting some exercise can all be good for managing your arthritis pain, too. In addition, be sure to stay hydrated and don’t go overboard on the alcohol. You can enjoy the holidays and have a little fun without overdoing it to such an extent that you suffer more.

If your arthritis or joint pain is no longer responding to traditional therapies, you should make an appointment to see Dr. Moore. For More information about, contact our Pinehurst, NC office, call us at (910) 295-0224, or check out our orthopaedic surgery blog.

Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

There are many benefits to choosing outpatient joint replacement surgery at our facility over traditional outpatient surgery at the hospital. Not only do you get to recover primarily from your own home, but there are a number of additional benefits to choosing our outpatient surgery center instead of a hospital.

Patient Experience

You’ll spend one night in our outpatient facility after your joint replacement surgery. That night you will be cared for by our skilled nursing team with a concierge setting. We provide a 2:1 ratio of nurses to patients, so you are more closely monitored and cared for than the standard 1:8 ratio in the hospital.

Reduced Infection Rate

Because you’re not exposed to a hospital setting, you reduce your risk of exposure to everything from staph to COVID-19. Our facility only takes in healthy patients having outpatient surgery and nothing else. Dr. Moore has successfully completed over 100 outpatient joint replacements in the past four years with ZERO hospital re-admissions after outpatient surgery. The Surgery Center at Pinehurst has six operating rooms, two pain management rooms, and provides outpatient surgeries for joint replacement, plastic surgery, ENT, gynecology, and more.

Improved Recovery Times

Because outpatient joint replacement surgeries performed in the centers like the one at Pinehurst require smaller incisions, the risk of infection is reduced, and recovery time is accelerated. Accompanied by our more intimate, concierge-like post-surgical care, detailed communication, and support for both the patient and the family the overall experience and satisfaction of patients is higher, too.

Who Qualifies for Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Most private insurances will cover the cost of outpatient joint replacement surgery. The facility is limited to healthy, privately insured patients. Unfortunately, Medicare will not cover the outpatient center for this reason.

The Surgery Center of Pinehurst is located across the street from our practice and provides easy access to the facility for patients and their families. Dr. Moore’s team has created a structured guideline and protocol for impeccable preoperative and post-operative care to all of our patients. For more information about Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery with Dr. Moore, contact our Pinehurst, NC office, call us at (910) 295-0224.