3 Things to Know About Hip Replacement Surgery

hip replacementBeing told that you need hip replacement surgery is no trip to Disneyland. In fact, hip replacement surgery is one of the most intense surgeries to recover from— meaning that you will need both patience and plenty of rest in order to get the healing process done correctly. If you have recently been told you that you need to have hip replacement surgery but you aren’t quite sure what to expect, here are three things that you should know.

1.It Takes A Lot Of Healing Time
If you are the type of person that wants to get up and running even when you have a cold, then hip replacement surgery might be a bit difficult for you. As one of the things that many people don’t realize beforehand, it takes a lot of healing time until you are fully recovered from surgery. In fact, for about 6 months to a year following surgery, you should avoid doing things such as pivoting or twisting your leg— as this will only exacerbate the problem and could potentially damage your joints.

2. You Can’t Play Certain Sports
If you used to be an avid runner or athlete, then you should know that you likely won’t be able to participate in the sports at the same level that you once were able to. And although it may be devastating to hear, consider taking up a new sport or hobby that is gentler on your hip. Specifically, try to take up things such as walking and avoid sports or activities that require a lot of jumping or moving side to side. If you are unsure whether or not you are permitted to play a certain type of sport or participate in a certain activity, ask Dr. John Moore.

3. It Doesn’t Last Forever
Just like with most replacement surgeries, hip replacement surgery doesn’t last for forever. However, it does last in the upwards of twenty years, which means that it should hopefully last the length of your lifetime. If you do outlive your hip replacement, however, it can be redone.

To learn more about hip replacement surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. John Moore, contact our office today!

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