No matter what age you are, you are going to experience some amount of soreness in your joints after you either run a lot or spend the day doing some type of strenuous activity. However, the older you get, the more stiff and sore your joints become after doing even little things like mowing the lawn. In order to combat that additional soreness that you may feel in your joints it’s important to ice, stretch, and take an anti-inflammatory medication. Read on to learn more about the importance of each of these steps.
Nothing is quite as ignored or dreaded by joint patients as icing their joints. Not Only is icing your joints uncomfortable due to the cold temperature but it can also be a bit awkward as well. However, icing your joints will help you to cut down drastically on the inflammation that you will experience further down the line. Additionally, because icing your joints will help to numb them as well, it will also help to cut down on the pain you are experiencing. When icing your joints, look to use something that’s more moldable like either a frozen gel ice pack or a frozen bag of small vegetables.
Another great way to treat sore joints is to stretch everyday— whether you worked out that day or not. By stretching your muscles, you can help to loosen those stiff joints and break up any lactic acid that may be building up in your muscles. Dedicate about 10-15 minutes of your time every night before bed to stretching. Remember that the sooner you get into the habit of stretching every night, the easier it will be down the line.
Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen are another great way to help combat sore joints and muscles. By breaking up the inflammation that is causing your joints further pain and irritation, ibuprofen is a simple and easy way to get back to feeling like yourself again. Just make sure that you check with your doctor beforehand if you suffer from any sort of blood related or heart related disorder.
Taking care of your sore joints doesn’t have to be difficult. By icing, stretching, and taking the proper medication, you can help to feel like your old self in no time. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. John Moore’s office today.