3 Ingredients to Look for in Your Joint Supplements

Joint Supplements Taking care of your joints involves doing a variety of things including proper stretching, avoiding certain strenuous types of activities, and taking joint supplements. By helping to enrich your joints and bones with vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. From glucosamine to hyaluronic acid this article will discuss some of the minerals you should be looking for in your joint supplements. Read on to learn more about what each of these minerals does for your joint health.

1. Glucosamine
When it comes to your joint health, you are going to want to look for a supplement that has glucosamine in it. By helping to build up new cartilage in your joints and by breaking down harmful enzymes that fight cartilage, glucosamine is an ideal component that you need to have in your joint supplements.

2. Chondroitin Sulfate
Another ingredient that you are going to want to make sure is included in your joint supplement is chondroitin sulfate. When combined with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate is the building block of proteoglycan which aids in the production of new cartilage.

3. Hyaluronic Acid
By lubricating your joints and muscles, hyaluronic acid is essential in ensuring that your joints move and function properly. As a significant component of both joint fluid and joint cartilage, the hyaluronic acid will give you the flexibility and free movement that you desire.

Taking a daily joint supplement will help to strengthen your joints and ensure that your joints aren’t weakened with regular day-to-day activities. By combining a lifestyle equipped with maintaining a proper weight, stretching, and exercising on a regular basis, joint supplements will help to protect your body. To learn more about how you can enhance your joint health, contact Dr. John Moore at Pinehurst Surgical today!

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