How Is Outpatient Joint Treatment Different From Traditional Joint Replacement?

Similar to how there are trends in the fashion industry, we see trends in the orthopedic industry all of the time. One of the biggest trends that we have seen his surgeries moving more toward outpatient procedures including outpatient joint treatment. Dr. John Moore specializes in outpatient joint treatment rather than a traditional joint replacement for a variety of reasons. Let’s take a closer look at why.

Faster recovery

Patients who undergo inpatient joint replacement surgery tend to recover faster than those who get an outpatient surgery done. Even though you will still have to do physical therapy, they will come to your home so you won’t have to worry about the inconvenience and hassle of traveling to a clinic.

Increased patient satisfaction scores

Studies show that both patients and their families are more satisfied with outpatient joint treatment than inpatient treatments. By getting patients back to the comfort of their own home faster, it makes everyone happier.

Lower complication and Infection rates

Because outpatient joint replacement surgeries use more precise techniques than traditional inpatient surgeries, they are considered to be less invasive and result in fewer blood transfusions, infections, and other complications.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Outpatient Joint Replacement?

During your initial consultation, we will try to determine if you are a good candidate for outpatient joint replacement surgery. Candidates for this surgery are restricted to healthy, privately insured patients. Additionally, patients that are socially supported and physically healthy have a higher approval rating.

Dr. John Moore has completed over 100 outpatient joint replacement surgeries— so you know you’re in good hands. If you want to learn more about outpatient joint replacement surgery, schedule a consultation at our Pinehurst office today: 910.295.0224.

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