Tips to Avoid Common Trail Running Injuries This Summer

Whether you prefer a fast, easy run or you like a long, strenuous run, trail running in North Carolina is nothing short of fun. And although trail running is a great exercise to speed up your heart rate, burn calories, and get an endorphin rush, it can also cause some common orthopedic injuries like a torn ACL, too much stress on the knee, or it can even exacerbate your arthritis. But if you don’t want to kick your trail running to the curb, how can you prevent common injuries? Let’s take a closer look.

Wear the Right Shoes

If you haven’t already invested in some trail running shoes, then you are doing your body a serious disservice. Trail running shoes are designed with more traction than regular running shoes which makes you less likely to slip on fall on your way down. Plus, trail running shoes will help support your foot and ankle so that you are less likely to roll your ankle or put too much pressure on your knee.

Go Slow

Going uphill is one thing, but coming downhill is when we see a lot of orthopedic injuries. When you’re coming down the trail, make sure that you go slowly. The slower you go, the more control you have over your body and the less likely you are to get injured.

Wear a Brace

If you have arthritis, then don’t be a hero; make sure that you are wearing a brace or wrap when you hit the trails. Knee braces and wraps, in particular, are designed to keep your knee in place and prevent it from moving around which is something that can happen when you’re running on the trail.

If you are passionate about trail running, make sure that you do it wisely every time and that you use these tips. To learn more about how you can prevent yourself from injury when trail running or exercising, contact our Pinehurst office and call us at 910-295-0224.

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