Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Top Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Having to undergo a joint replacement surgery does not have to cause a major disruption in your life. Thanks to the benefits of outpatient joint replacement surgery, patients now have the freedom and flexibility to recover from their surgery comfortably at home. If you are in need of joint replacement surgery, consider the benefits of utilizing an outpatient facility.

What Is Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Technological advancements have made the total replacement of some joints, such as the knee or hip, a minimally invasive procedure. Outpatient joint replacement surgery uses state-of-the-art equipment and an outpatient surgical center to complete the procedure.

What Is an Outpatient Surgical Center?

An outpatient surgical center is similar to a hospital setting but more comfortable. Our outpatient facility provides a concierge experience with two qualified, dedicated nurses for each patient. After surgery, you spend just one night at the center. You are then discharged, and therapists will go directly to your home for sessions.

What Are the Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Eliminating the need for extended hospital stays means lower medical costs. Other unique benefits include:

  • Lower risk of surgical complications such as post-operative infection
  • Faster recovery times
  • Less stress
  • A more relaxed recovery

Few people feel comfortable lying in a hospital bed. Recovering at home allows you to relax as your body heals.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Our doctor will evaluate your overall health and joint condition to determine if outpatient surgery is the right option for you. A candidate for it would typically be:

  • Healthy – Certain preexisting conditions might mean you need more medical monitoring than you can get in an outpatient surgical center. For example, someone with kidney disease might not be a practical candidate.
  • Motivated – Recovering at home takes willpower, so you must be motivated to do the exercises and follow the discharge orders.

Set up a Consultation With Dr. John R. Moore, IV

Find out your options for joint replacement surgery by making an appointment with board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. John R. Moore, IV, in Pinehurst, NC. Call 910-295-0224 to schedule an appointment.