5 Signs It May Be Time for Knee Replacement Surgery

knee replacement surgeryIn most cases, the choice to have knee replacement surgery is not made on a whim. Usually, a gradual worsening of knee pain and stiffness has already occurred over the course of several months or even years. If your knee discomfort has become intolerable, here are five signs that it may be time to consider knee surgery.

5 Reasons to Consider a Knee Replacement

You Have Severe Arthritis

If your knee joint is deteriorating from severe arthritis, you might want to consider knee replacement surgery. There are several types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, traumatic arthritis (injury-related), and avascular necrosis, which happens when the knee does not get an adequate supply of blood.

Your Knees Are Constantly in Pain

Debilitating knee pain may indicate that the strain on the knee joint is becoming worse. Avoid ignoring knee discomfort that worsens over time or occurs often, particularly if it lasts more than a few weeks, prevents you from sleeping, or does not react to prescription medications.

You Are Struggling to Keep Up With Daily Activities

You should consider seeking long-term knee treatment or surgery if your pain is enough to keep you from completing regular tasks or taking care of yourself. Pay particular attention whenever you’re sitting, standing, or climbing stairs—medical intervention may be necessary if you are unable to complete these activities without discomfort, stiffness, or needing assistance.

Your Knees Are Keeping You From Doing the Things You Love

Your knees should not be so bad that they keep you from spending time with the people you care about or enjoying simple hobbies, such as taking walks in nature. Whatever your interests or passions may be, whether it’s cooking or hiking, knee discomfort should not be a reason for you to give up a life worth living.

Nonsurgical Treatments No Longer Work

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-articular steroid injections, and viscosupplementation are all examples of conservative treatments that may alleviate pain and restore function in the early stages of knee disease.

However, if the arthritic process worsens over time, patients will have worsening pain and diminished function that cannot be treated with conservative methods alone. A complete knee replacement should be carefully considered at this stage.

Schedule a Consultation for Knee Replacement Surgery in Pinehurst, NC

For more information about knee replacement surgery in Pinehurst, NC, or to see if you’re a good candidate for this procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. Moore at the Pinehurst Surgical Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement Center today by calling (910) 295-0224.

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