How to Alleviate Joint Pain Without Narcotics

With the opioid epidemic, we encourage more and more of our patients to seek relief from pain without the use of narcotics. Although it’s not always possible to do, we do have a few ways for patients who suffer from joint pain, in particular, to find comfort without having to risk getting addicted to substances.

Take Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is perfect at alleviating symptoms like swelling, pain, and aching without the chance of getting addicted. However, because ibuprofen is a blood thinner, you shouldn’t take it for extended periods or with other blood thinners. Before you start taking it, ask one of our doctors if it’s okay to take it with many different types of medication that you are on.

Practice What You Learned at Physical Therapy

The goal of physical therapy is to strengthen your joints and help you seek relief from pain but to teach you stretches and exercises to do on your own. In other words, your physical therapist will want you to be self-sufficient eventually. Make sure that you are practicing your physical therapy as frequently as instructed; especially when you have a flare up of pain.

Ice and Heat

The combination of icing and using heat is another great way to get rid of any joint pain or discomfort (especially when there is swelling involved). If you notice that you are having a flare-up alternate between both cold and heat. For instance, ice for two minutes and then heat form three. If you have double sink s in your bathroom, try to fill one sink up with ice water and one sink up with hot water. Alternating between the two will be easy to do (unless you are icing your knees or ankles).

Finding relief from pain can feel impossible sometimes without the use of narcotics, but as long as you’re consistent with treatment, it’s definitely a possibility. If you want to learn more about ways to find relief from pain, contact our Pinehurst office today and call  910.295.0224.

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