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Avoiding Knee and Hip Injuries in the Winter

This time of year, Pinehurst experiences a wide range of weather, from delightfully sunny to torrential rains. And while North Carolina has a more moderate climate than some of our neighbors, we still get our fair share of icy days. Icy walks and parking lots can result in slips and falls that are bad for hips and knees.

Caution Pays

Especially if you already suffer from joint pain in your hips or knees, caution is the best way to prevent an accident that would result in a serious injury or the need for hip or knee surgery. If it’s an icy, cold day and you don’t have to go out in it, stay home and wait – here in Pinehurst, it can be ice rain in the morning and sunny and blue skies in the afternoon.

Wear Better Shoes

There’s a time for fashion but walking on icy surfaces or snowy conditions isn’t it. Choose a pair of boots that are waterproof and insulated. Pay special attention to the sole of the boot. Look for one that has good-sized treads and offers superior traction.

Avoid Injury

One way to protect your joints from injury is to strengthen them. The healthier you can be – through weight loss, exercise, an strengthening the muscles that support your joints – the less likely a slip and fall will cause serious damage to your knee or hip.

If you have sore joints or if you just recovered from an injury that we saw you for, don’t be afraid to simply avoid the worst conditions. Giving yourself a little bit of time to relax and breathe, will help you avoid getting injured. Our truly wintry days are few and far between, so there’s no need to get injured unnecessarily. Ask for help, wait for a sunnier day, and if you do have to go out, dress appropriately with supportive boots.

To make sure that you don’t get injured this winter, use the tips listed in this article. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact our Pinehurst office at 910.295.0224.

Joint Replacement Surgery Pinehurst NC

Thanksgiving Foods that Feed Your Joints

The holidays are just around the corner, and with them, tempting foods that will have you testing your self-discipline. One way to encourage your healthy eating habits through the holidays is to remind yourself how THANKFUL you will be to avoid the joint pain that bad habits can cause.

T – Turkey is a lean meat filled with protein that can help you feel full and have enough energy to get through the day of festivities. Just don’t overdo it – a 3-ounce portion (about as much as you could fit in your fist) is all you need.

H – Hazelnuts and other nuts like walnuts are also a great source of protein and polyunsaturated fats, making them good (in small quantities) for your joints and your heart. Studies show that all nuts reduce inflammation.

A – Appetizers can be a great way to keep you from overeating at the Thanksgiving meal. Focus on veggie and fruit trays, which will deliver healthy vitamins and minerals and fiber to fill you up.

N – Navy beans, lentils, and other beans can be added to soups and salads for additional fiber. They are also an excellent source of Vitamin B.

K – Kale and other dark leafy green vegetables should be a staple in your diet if you are trying to keep your joints healthy. Kale a great source of calcium, too, for healthier, stronger bones.

F – Figs are unique in their ability to alleviate joint pain, containing a singularly beneficial flavonoid called luteolin, which is known for its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory.

U – Unagi, Japanese eel often found in sushi restaurants, is an exceptional source of vitamins. It is also high in Omega-3, essential in the prevention of arthritis.

L – Lemon, whether added to your drinking water or used in other recipes, can help reduce the acid in your joints that can cause pain, especially in people suffering from gouty arthritis.

Your diet is an essential component in joint health and can be instrumental in alleviating joint pain. As Thanksgiving approaches, being mindful about your diet can help you avoid the pain that keeps you from enjoying the day with your family.

It can be hard to know exactly what you should and shouldn’t eat for your joint health. Use the tips in this article to ease swelling and discomfort this Thanksgiving. To learn more, schedule an appointment with us at our Pinehurst office today and call us at 910.295.0224.

How to Alleviate Joint Pain Without Narcotics

With the opioid epidemic, we encourage more and more of our patients to seek relief from pain without the use of narcotics. Although it’s not always possible to do, we do have a few ways for patients who suffer from joint pain, in particular, to find comfort without having to risk getting addicted to substances.

Take Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is perfect at alleviating symptoms like swelling, pain, and aching without the chance of getting addicted. However, because ibuprofen is a blood thinner, you shouldn’t take it for extended periods or with other blood thinners. Before you start taking it, ask one of our doctors if it’s okay to take it with many different types of medication that you are on.

Practice What You Learned at Physical Therapy

The goal of physical therapy is to strengthen your joints and help you seek relief from pain but to teach you stretches and exercises to do on your own. In other words, your physical therapist will want you to be self-sufficient eventually. Make sure that you are practicing your physical therapy as frequently as instructed; especially when you have a flare up of pain.

Ice and Heat

The combination of icing and using heat is another great way to get rid of any joint pain or discomfort (especially when there is swelling involved). If you notice that you are having a flare-up alternate between both cold and heat. For instance, ice for two minutes and then heat form three. If you have double sink s in your bathroom, try to fill one sink up with ice water and one sink up with hot water. Alternating between the two will be easy to do (unless you are icing your knees or ankles).

Finding relief from pain can feel impossible sometimes without the use of narcotics, but as long as you’re consistent with treatment, it’s definitely a possibility. If you want to learn more about ways to find relief from pain, contact our Pinehurst office today and call  910.295.0224.

Joint Replacement Surgery Pinehurst NC

How to Make Sure You’re Not Walking Like a Zombie Into Your Halloween Party

When it comes to aging, here at Dr. John Moore’s office, we have seen it all with our patients; especially when it comes to the sore, aching joints. And even though your grandchildren may think that you look cool because you look like a zombie, that’s the last thing we want our patients to resemble. So, how can you get rid of your zombie walk even though Halloween is just around the corner? We have a few tips for you.

Ice Those Joints

If you suffer from chronic, stiff joints, then you must know by now that one of the best ways for you to find almost immediate relief is by icing. Whether you prefer to sit in an ice bath or if you just like to use ice packs, the ice will help ease inflammation and even some joint stiffness. In order to get the best results from icing, however, make sure that you are icing multiple times a day and make it a priority.


Another great way that you can help ease stiff, aching joints that are making you look like a zombie is by taking Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that can be used to decrease pain and inflammation in your joints and throughout your body. Just make sure that you consult with Dr. John Moore before you start thinking Ibuprofen on a regular basis because it could result in some liver complications.

Physical Therapy

Depending on your joint condition, Dr. John Moore may encourage you to go to physical therapy on a regular basis. Physical therapy is a great way for you to stretch out your joints and learn proper techniques to help you naturally find relief. If, however, you haven’t found any relief from physical therapy, then Dr. Moore will discuss other surgical and nonsurgical options with you.

Leave the zombie walk to your grandchildren and trick or treaters this Halloween and make sure to use the tips in this article to help you find relief. To learn more, contact our Pinehurst office today and give us a call at 910.295.0224.

Joint Replacement Pinehurst NC

How Is Outpatient Joint Treatment Different From Traditional Joint Replacement?

Similar to how there are trends in the fashion industry, we see trends in the orthopedic industry all of the time. One of the biggest trends that we have seen his surgeries moving more toward outpatient procedures including outpatient joint treatment. Dr. John Moore specializes in outpatient joint treatment rather than a traditional joint replacement for a variety of reasons. Let’s take a closer look at why.

Faster recovery

Patients who undergo inpatient joint replacement surgery tend to recover faster than those who get an outpatient surgery done. Even though you will still have to do physical therapy, they will come to your home so you won’t have to worry about the inconvenience and hassle of traveling to a clinic.

Increased patient satisfaction scores

Studies show that both patients and their families are more satisfied with outpatient joint treatment than inpatient treatments. By getting patients back to the comfort of their own home faster, it makes everyone happier.

Lower complication and Infection rates

Because outpatient joint replacement surgeries use more precise techniques than traditional inpatient surgeries, they are considered to be less invasive and result in fewer blood transfusions, infections, and other complications.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Outpatient Joint Replacement?

During your initial consultation, we will try to determine if you are a good candidate for outpatient joint replacement surgery. Candidates for this surgery are restricted to healthy, privately insured patients. Additionally, patients that are socially supported and physically healthy have a higher approval rating.

Dr. John Moore has completed over 100 outpatient joint replacement surgeries— so you know you’re in good hands. If you want to learn more about outpatient joint replacement surgery, schedule a consultation at our Pinehurst office today: 910.295.0224.

Joint Replacement

Looking for a Joint Supplement? A Few Things to Know

Joint ReplacementThere are many things that you can do for your joint health— especially as you age or put more strain on your body. Whether you have started to realize that your joints are stiffer than they used to be or if you just want to take preventative measures in ensuring that you don’t get arthritis further on down the line, adding a nutritional supplement to your diet can do wonders. But before you start taking a supplement, it’s important to know a few things about it. From dietary supplements to knowing what to put in your body, this article will help you shop for the right supplement for you and your lifestyle. Read on to learn more.

Understanding Dietary Supplements

When you go down the vitamin and supplement aisle at your local grocery store, you may be overwhelmed by the different options you have. One of the most popular things that patients like to consume on a daily basis is a dietary supplement. Containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals, dietary supplements are designed to be taken in addition to your regular food and not in place of it.

  • S-adenosylmethionine

As a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory supplement, s-adenosylmethionine can help treat osteoarthritis and even fibromyalgia. By stimulating cartilage growth and serotonin levels, s-adenosylmethionine can make your joints feel better and give you that relief your body has been craving.

  • Curcumin (Curcuma longa)

Curcumin is the same ingredient that is found in turmeric and is popular amongst arthritis patients for its ability to give patients long-term pain relief and improvement with arthritis pain. Plus, if you’re not a big fan of consuming turmeric on a daily basis, then finding a supplement with curcumin in it should do the trick.

Shopping for a joint supplement can be beyond overwhelming. However, by understanding what a dietary supplement is and a few ingredients to look for to promote joint health, you should be able to narrow down your options. To learn more about joint supplements or your joint health in general, contact Dr. John Moore’s office today!

Joint Replacement Pinehurst NC

Ice Bath Vs. Ice Pack: How to Get Icy Cold Joint Relief

Joint Replacement Pinehurst NCWhen you have sore joints or muscles, there are a few things that you can do to get rid of inflammation and ease the pain including taking an over the counter medication like ibuprofen, resting, and icing. As an all-natural way to combat pain and inflammation, however, icing is one of the best things that Dr. John Moore encourages all of his patients to do after working out, having surgery, and getting injured. When it comes to icing, you have two options: having an ice bath or using an ice pack. So, what is the best option and which one will give you the fastest joint relief? Read on to learn more.

Ice Bath

If you have a knee injury, shin splints, or even an ankle injury, we encourage our patients to sit in an ice bath. By encompassing your legs, knees, and ankles, an ice bath is a fast way to combat inflammation and pain. To take an ice bath, fill your bathtub with about four inches of really cold water and then add about a bucket full of ice. Then, slowly submerge either the lower part of your body or just your ankles. Try to sit in there for as long as you can stand it— hopefully more than one second. Repeat about two to three times.

Ice Pack

If you just have a small injury or joint issues around an area of your body like your wrist, then you can just use a small ice pack. When using an ice pack, try to use a gel one so that it can conform to your injury. The more the ice pack covers, the better it will be at getting rid of the inflammation on your joints.

Icing your joints and muscles is one of the best things you can do for your body. Whether you choose to take an ice bath or use an ice pack, you will notice a significant decrease in pain and inflammation. To learn more about what you can do for your joint and muscle health, contact Dr. John Moore today and schedule an appointment.

3 Ingredients to Look for in Your Joint Supplements

Joint Supplements Taking care of your joints involves doing a variety of things including proper stretching, avoiding certain strenuous types of activities, and taking joint supplements. By helping to enrich your joints and bones with vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. From glucosamine to hyaluronic acid this article will discuss some of the minerals you should be looking for in your joint supplements. Read on to learn more about what each of these minerals does for your joint health.

1. Glucosamine
When it comes to your joint health, you are going to want to look for a supplement that has glucosamine in it. By helping to build up new cartilage in your joints and by breaking down harmful enzymes that fight cartilage, glucosamine is an ideal component that you need to have in your joint supplements.

2. Chondroitin Sulfate
Another ingredient that you are going to want to make sure is included in your joint supplement is chondroitin sulfate. When combined with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate is the building block of proteoglycan which aids in the production of new cartilage.

3. Hyaluronic Acid
By lubricating your joints and muscles, hyaluronic acid is essential in ensuring that your joints move and function properly. As a significant component of both joint fluid and joint cartilage, the hyaluronic acid will give you the flexibility and free movement that you desire.

Taking a daily joint supplement will help to strengthen your joints and ensure that your joints aren’t weakened with regular day-to-day activities. By combining a lifestyle equipped with maintaining a proper weight, stretching, and exercising on a regular basis, joint supplements will help to protect your body. To learn more about how you can enhance your joint health, contact Dr. John Moore at Pinehurst Surgical today!

How to Take Care of Sore Joints

sore jointsNo matter what age you are, you are going to experience some amount of soreness in your joints after you either run a lot or spend the day doing some type of strenuous activity. However, the older you get, the more stiff and sore your joints become after doing even little things like mowing the lawn. In order to combat that additional soreness that you may feel in your joints it’s important to ice, stretch, and take an anti-inflammatory medication. Read on to learn more about the importance of each of these steps.

Nothing is quite as ignored or dreaded by joint patients as icing their joints. Not Only is icing your joints uncomfortable due to the cold temperature but it can also be a bit awkward as well. However, icing your joints will help you to cut down drastically on the inflammation that you will experience further down the line. Additionally, because icing your joints will help to numb them as well, it will also help to cut down on the pain you are experiencing. When icing your joints, look to use something that’s more moldable like either a frozen gel ice pack or a frozen bag of small vegetables.

Another great way to treat sore joints is to stretch everyday— whether you worked out that day or not. By stretching your muscles, you can help to loosen those stiff joints and break up any lactic acid that may be building up in your muscles. Dedicate about 10-15 minutes of your time every night before bed to stretching. Remember that the sooner you get into the habit of stretching every night, the easier it will be down the line.

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen are another great way to help combat sore joints and muscles. By breaking up the inflammation that is causing your joints further pain and irritation, ibuprofen is a simple and easy way to get back to feeling like yourself again. Just make sure that you check with your doctor beforehand if you suffer from any sort of blood related or heart related disorder.

Taking care of your sore joints doesn’t have to be difficult. By icing, stretching, and taking the proper medication, you can help to feel like your old self in no time. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. John Moore’s office today.